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Ceramic Plungers - The best choice for Industrial Pumps


In the process of material transportation in chemical engineering, metal smelting, mining and other industries, the delivery pump often needs to be subjected to the impact of the slurry containing solid particles, the erosion of corrosive processes, and the impact of high-temperature fluids. These working conditions are potentially destructive. , It is easy to have a major impact on the delivery pump, and even affect the normal operation of the delivery pump or cause medium pollution to the transmission medium. 

ceramic plungers

In order to ensure the stable progress of the process in extreme working conditions, the selection of pump components, such as pump plungers, is very important. The plunger reciprocates in the plunger cylinder for a long time. They must have high hardness, high melting point, low wear, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, etc., otherwise they cannot be supported. 

zirconia ceramic plunger

Advanced ceramics that can maintain these characteristics at high temperatures are quite suitable choices. The ceramic plungers are made of high-performance technical ceramic material, which has the properties of high hardness, wear resistance, high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. The working surface of ceramic plungers are processed with a "mirror" surface and has good self-lubricating effect. Tests have proved that the high wear resistance of the ceramic plunger is much higher than that of the traditional metal plunger, and it is an ideal substitute for the metal plunger, which greatly extends the service life of related parts.

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